I have just published my latest website statistics. I am not sure if they mean anything, but I note that I have read books from thirteen more countries than six months ago (Bermuda, Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Madagascar, Maldives, Moldova, San Marino, Seychelles and Uzbekistan) and have reviewed sixty-six books during that period, though only eleven by women writers. There were seven books each from Ireland and Spain. I expect in the coming six months, Spain will do much better. Indeed, in terms of number of authors read, I expect Spain to overtake Ireland and, possibly, Russia. My current order, based on authors read is USA, England, Italy, France, Germany, Russia, Ireland, Spain, Australia, Canada and Mexico. Does that reflect the quality of authors of this period? No, I think England, Italy and,possibly, Ireland are too overrated with China, Japan and Argentina too underrated. However, I don’t expect these figures to change much.