Though we are only just over twelve years into the 21st century (yes, I can do the maths; the 21st century started on 1 January 2001), ABC has produced its list of the ten best Spanish novels of the 21st century. However, the first one on the list was actually published in the 20th century (yes, I am pedantic) – La fiesta del chivo (The Feast of the Goat) being published in 2000. Technically, it is Peruvian but apparently Vargas Llosa has Spanish citizenship so they are claiming him. Of the others on the list, three are on my site – Crematorio [The Crematorium], Tu rostro mañana (Your Face Tomorrow) (link to the first one – there are actually three in the series, all on my site) and Los enamoramientos (The Infatuations), though I hope to get to some of the others soon. Sadly not all have been published in English.