Enrique Vila-Matas: La asesina ilustrada [The Illustrated Murderess]


The latest addition to my website is Enrique Vila-MatasLa asesina ilustrada [The Illustrated Murderess]. This is a strange story about a story, called La asesina ilustrada, which seems to have the effect that those who read it, die. The key person is Elena Villena. It is she who wrote the story, she who is married (but separated) from the writer Juan Herrera, apparently the first victim of the story, and she who visits the recently rediscovered but apparently very second-rate writer, Vidal Escabia, who appears to be the second victim of reading the story. Incest, lesbianism and rivalry between writers are all thrown into the mix, as the story develop twist after twist. It has not been translated into English but is available in French, Italian and Romanian.

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