Agnieszka Taborska: Niedokończone życie (The Unfinished Life of Phoebe Hicks)

The latest addition to my website is Agnieszka Taborska‘s gnieszka Taborska: Niedokończone życie Phoebe Hicks (The Unfinished Life of Phoebe Hicks). Taborska tells the story of the fictitious Phoebe Hicks, who, is made ill by eating clam fritters in mid-19th century Providence, RI, and turns to spiritualism. While we see the traditional features of spiritualism – furniture moving of its own accord, the dead talking and so on, accompanied by some fascinating old photos, Taborska treats it very seriously, not least because it is a feminist issue. Spiritualism became one of the major professions for women in the US at that time and we see the role the women play in Providence and their influence on the town. Phoebe is unusual as an independent wealthy woman and she becomes famous throughout the area but many others follow her. Yes there are sceptics and fakes but for Taborska, they are of little importance. Even if you are sceptical as most readers will be, the book works very well.

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