Tomás González: Niebla al mediodía (Fog at Noon)

The latest addition to my website is Tomás González‘s Niebla al mediodía (Fog at Noon). Raul,a tall reclusive man who makes furniture out of bamboo, marries Julia. He is her fifth husband. She is, in her own view – a view not shared by everyone – a highly accomplished poet. They have mad passionate sex, fight furiously and then she leaves, not least because he does not appreciate her poetry. Soon after she marries husband number six. Soon after that she disappears. The police carry out some sort of investigation but find nothing. Though we have an idea what might have happened, like other things in this book it is all somewhat ambiguous. We follow not only the (un)happy couple but other characters who have their views on the couple and who are involved with them in various ways, giving us a fascinating novel which moves around in both location and viewpoint

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