Alki Zei: Η αρραβωνιαστικιά του Αχιλλέα (Achilles’ Fiancée

The latest addition to my website is >Alki Zei‘s> Η αρραβωνιαστικιά του Αχιλλέα (Achilles’ Fiancée. Eleni, née Daphne is involved in the various left-wing movements opposed to the German occupiers, the British and Americans, the royalists and the Junta. When sixteen she meets one of the leaders, code name Achilles and they become close. As a result, ever after, as his girlfriend and later wife she will be known as Achilles’ fiancée. She follows him around – they even spend ten years in Tashkent and have a daughter but, as she complains, he is devoted to the cause and if Stalin or the Party says it is so, it is so and there is no discussion. Though he is now in prison awaiting trial and she and their daughter are in Paris where we follow her and other former comrades-in arms as they are extras in a French film called Horror Train without work permits, she is now decidedly tired of still being known as Achilles’ fiancée and wants her own life. We get too much detail of the various revolutionaries and their activities, doubtless based on Zei’s own life but we do get an interesting picture of life as a Greek revolutionary.

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