The latest addition to my website is Margarita Karapanou‘s Ο υπνοβάτης (The Sleepwalker). The novel starts with God clearly unhappy with his creation so he vomits on Maniolis to create a handsome God, since all they worshipped was beauty.
We now move to a Greek island, clearly based on Hydra which is full of dissolute artists and writers, many of them foreigners. They drink , smoke and have often violent sex, homosexual and heterosexual. Maniolis turns up as a handsome police officer and he has to investigate a series of violent murders but his investigation is decidedly perfunctory. We soon realise who the culprit is. Then things get worse. The rubbish is not collected and it piles up as high as the tallest building and it gets hot, very hot with the sun never seeming to set. This is a bitter dystopia, with Karapanou piling on the dark side of an island paradise.