Christos Chrissopoulos: Ο βομβιστης του Παρθενώνα ( The Parthenon Bomber)

The latest addition to my website isChristos ChrissopoulosΟ βομβιστης του Παρθενώνα ( The Parthenon Bomber). As the title tells us this is about a man who blows up the Parthenon. We follow various aspects of the story, starting with his account, though we are warned that there are vagarious alleged accounts and it is not known which, if any is genuine. His motives are not entirely clear though we can see he is a loner and intelligent. The next section, statements by those who knew him are varying, some saying he was polite and shy, others with opposing views. The next bit is about what may have been his inspiration – a surrealist group that really did call for the Parthenon to be destroyed. We also learn the effect on people of the Parthenon and what happened to the bomber and to the Parthenon . This is a short book but most original.

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