Aris Alexandrou: Το Κιβώτιο (Mission Box)

The latest addition to my website isAris Alexandrou‘s Το Κιβώτιο (Mission Box). A prisoner is writing down for an absent interrogator his account of an expedition taking a sealed metal box from N to K. This is during the Greek Civil War and our hero is on the side of the Leninist communists. The mission is odd as military rankings are abolished, the wounded/sick have to tale cyanide and the route they take is far from direct. With no response from the interrogator the prisoner abandons his written account and he gives us a verbal account. We learn from him that much of what he has told us is a lie(he tells us why) and he gives us a revised version which may also be inaccurate. The expedition starts off with thirty-four men but he is the only one to get there alive, the others dying partially from enemy action but mainly from a variety of other reasons. It is a very strange tale as we do not know what the box contained, if anything, who his captors are nor his fate.

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