Réda Dalil: Le Job [The Job]

The latest addition to my website is Réda Dalil‘s Le Job [The Job]. Having decided, unlike the past two years, not to read all the Man Booker shortlist entries, as I frankly was not very inspired by them, I decided to have a look at some other prize lists. This novel won the Moroccan Mamounia … Read more

Pierre Mertens: Les éblouissements (Shadowlight)

The most recent addition to my website is Pierre Mertens‘ Les éblouissements (Shadowlight), Mertens’ best-known novel. It tells the story of German poet Gottfried Benn, starting with a section on his participation in a Belgian literary festival in Knokke in 1952 but then with each subsequent chapter taking place ten years after the preceding one, … Read more

David Mitchell: The Bone Clocks

The latest addition to my website is David Mitchell‘s The Bone Clocks. While this did make the Man Booker 2014 longlist, it surprisingly did not make the shortlist. I suspect that the fantasy elements in the book, which at times come close to being Dan Brown-ish, may have put off some of the judges, as … Read more


I have just returned from a trip to Sweden and Lithuania. In Sweden, I stayed in the small town of Växjö (small but with a large university in its outskirts). Despite its size, it is the birthplace of several writers, including Jonas Jonasson, author of Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann (The Hundred-Year-Old … Read more

Man Booker Prize 2014 shortlist

I am not terribly impressed with this year’s shortlist: Joshua Ferris: To Rise Again at a Decent Hour Richard Flanagan: The Narrow Road to the Deep North Karen Joy Fowler: We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves Howard Jacobson: J Neel Mukherjee: The Lives of Others Ali Smith: How to be Both One Englishman, a Scot, … Read more

Jun’ichiro Tanizaki: 鍵 (The Key)

The latest addition to my website is Jun’ichiro Tanizaki‘s 鍵 (The Key). This is a highly erotic novel, written entirely in the form of diary entries by an older, unnamed man and his younger wife, Ikuko. The husband is concerned that, as he is getting older, his sexual performance has deteriorated. Ikuko, while still loving … Read more