The Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction

I have now read all the novels on the Baileys Womens Prize for fiction shortlist. As a reminder, they are; Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah Hannah Kent: Burial Rites Jhumpa Lahiri: The Lowland Audrey Magee: The Undertaking Eimear McBride: A Girl is a Half-formed Thing Donna Tartt: The Goldfinch Cutting straight to the chase, there is … Read more

Hannah Kent: Burial Rites

The latest addition to my website is Hannah Kent‘s Burial Rites. Though Kent is Australian, this novel is set entirely in Iceland, where Kent spent some time. It tells the story, based on an actual historical incident, of the murder of two men at a remote farm. Three people have been arrested and found guilty … Read more

Dobrica Ćosić

The writer and former president of Yugoslavia, Dobrica Ćosić, died two days ago. There are not all that many leaders of countries who are also noted writers but Dobrica Ćosić is one. Several of his books have been translated into English (see picture at left). They are all long out of print, though readily available … Read more

Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction #ThisBook

The Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction have launched #ThisBook, where they have asked nineteen well-known (in the UK but probably not elsewhere) women to nominate the novel written by a woman that most impacted, shaped or changed your life. The results are interesting, if not surprising. With the possible exception of Helen Forrester‘s autobiography, there … Read more