Eduard Vilde: Mäeküla piimamees (Milkman of the Manor)

The latest addition to my website is Eduard Vilde‘s Mäeküla piimamees (Milkman of the Manor). This novel, which has been called Estonia’s first psychological novel, tells the story of an estate owned by a German, Ulrich von Kremer, and one of his tenant farmers, Tōnu Prillup. Prillup’s wife, Leenu, has died, and he has almost … Read more

Jun’ichiro Tanizaki: 痴人の愛 (Naomi)

The latest addition to my website is Jun’ichiro Tanizaki‘s 痴人の愛 (Naomi). This was Tanizaki’s first full-length novel, written when he had moved away from Yokohama after the Great Kantō earthquake of 1923. It tells the story of Joji Kawai, a serious young man with a good job in Tokyo who falls for a young woman … Read more

Which Books Should We Stop Calling Classics?

Flavorwire has a post on Which Books Should We Stop Calling Classics?, asking a handful of critics, writers, and publishing industry people for their views. Interestingly, only three authors made the list more than once – James Joyce for both Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, Ayn Rand, who is not even vaguely a classic and never … Read more

Joël Dicker: La Vérité sur l’affaire Harry Quebert (The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair)

The latest addition to my website is Joël Dicker‘s La Vérité sur l’affaire Harry Quebert (The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair). I hesitated about reading this novel as, though it got some good reviews and won the Goncourt Prix des lycéens, it also got some poor reviews. Some reviewers thought it brilliantly combined the … Read more

Most books borrowed and searched

The Guardian has published a list of the most borrowed book from British libraries . I have only read one (the Mantel) and have no plans to read any of the others. I must admit there are many authors on the list whom I have never heard of. Meanwhile, ABE UK has a published a … Read more

Grazia Deledda: Elias Portolu (Elias Portolu)

The latest addition to my website is Grazia Deledda‘s Elias Portolu (Elias Portolu). Deledda was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature and she is still the only Italian woman to do so. This book, published in 1903, was set in Sardinia where Deledda was from and tells the story of Elias. … Read more

Stephen Schneck: The Nightclerk

The latest addition to my website is Stephen Schneck‘s The Nightclerk, a very funny and somewhat over the top cult novel, long since out of print, about a very fat man – he weighs at least 600 pounds – called J Spenser Blight who is the night clerk at the Travelers Hotel in San Francisco. … Read more

Hans Scherfig: Den forsvundne fuldmægtig (The Missing Bureaucrat)

The latest addition to my website is Hans Scherfig‘s Den forsvundne fuldmægtig (The Missing Bureaucrat). This novel takes the form of a detective story, when two men in Copenhagen are found missing within a short while of one another. The first is a respected civil servant, working in the War Department, Teodor Amsted, a man … Read more