Zinaida Tulub: В степу безкраїм за Уралом (The Exile)

The latest addition to my website is Zinaida Tulub‘s В степу безкраїм за Уралом (The Exile). This is novelised biography of the first exile of Ukraine’s national poet Taras Shevchenko. Shevchenko had written a poem which was fairly flattering about the Tsar but far less so about his wife. The Tsar was furious and Shevchenko … Read more

Oksana Zabuzhko: Польові дослідження з українського сексу (Fieldwork In Ukrainian Sex)

The latest addition to my website is Oksana Zabuzhko‘s Польові дослідження з українського сексу (Fieldwork In Ukrainian Sex). Zabuzhko opens this novel all guns blazing and rarely lets up. She has been in a relationship with a fellow Ukrainian but has now broken up with him and she has no hesitation in telling us why. … Read more

Vasyl Shevchuk: Побратими, або Пригоди двох запорожців на суходолі, в морі та під водою (Blood Brothers)

The latest addition to my website is Vasyl Shevchuk‘s Побратими, або Пригоди двох запорожців на суходолі, в морі та під водою (Blood Brothers). This novel is set in the seventeenth century and tells of the Zaporozhian Cossacks attempt to free themselves from the Poles as well as from the Tatars and Turks. Our hero is … Read more

Mykhailo +: Тіні забутих предків (Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors)

The latest addition to my website is Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky‘s Тіні забутих предків (Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors). This is one of the great Ukrainian classics, using the Romeo and Juliet theme. The family of Ivan (the Romeo) is feuding with the family of Marichka (the Juliet). When a fight breaks out Ivan’s father is attacked and … Read more

Igor Kaczurowsky: Шлях невідомого (Because Deserters Are Immortal)

The latest addition to my website is Igor Kaczurowsky‘s Шлях невідомого (Because Deserters Are Immortal). The book is set in Ukraine in late 1941 when the Germans are invading the Soviet Union. Our hero is Serhiy Remez who is not a keen supporter of the Soviet Union as most of his family has been murdered … Read more

Oleg Shynkarenko: Кагарлик (Kaharlyk)

The latest addition to my website is Oleg Shynkarenko‘s Кагарлик (Kaharlyk). the book was originally on Facebook before being published as a book. It tells of the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine (written before the recent illegal invasion) and is set sometime (possibly seventy years) in the future. Ukraine is now substantially depopulated … Read more