Alexis Stamatis:Μπαρ Φλωμπέρ (Bar Flaubert)

The latest addition to my website is Alexis Stamatis‘ :Μπαρ Φλωμπέρ (Bar Flaubert). Our hero is Yannis Loukas. His father is a famous novelist but he, while publishing stories, is now, almost forty, in a rut, both professionally and romatically. While helping his father with his autobiography he comes across a manuscript written by one … Read more

Juan Pablo Villalobos: La invasión del pueblo del espíritu (Invasion of the Spirit People)

The latest addition to my website is Juan Pablo Villalobos‘ La invasión del pueblo del espíritu (Invasion of the Spirit People) . Set in an unnamed city but almost certainly Barcelona, this novel follows Gastón, an immigrant who runs a market garden. His friend Max, has a restaurant but he has lost his lease and … Read more

Juan Pablo Villalobos: No voy a pedirle a nadie que me crea (I Don’t Expect Anyone To Believe Me)

The latest addition to my website is Juan Pablo Villalobos‘s No voy a pedirle a nadie que me crea (I Don’t Expect Anyone To Believe Me). This is a brilliant novel about corruption and humour, about racism and academia. The main character is Juan Pablo Villalobos, a Mexican doctoral student who goes to Barcelona to … Read more

Eduardo Mendoza: Sin noticias de Gurb (No Word from Gurb)

The latest addition to my website is Eduardo Mendoza‘s Sin noticias de Gurb (No Word from Gurb). This follows Mendoza’s usual pattern, in that we see Barcelona and its inhabitants from the perspective of the narrator/protagonist. However, the difference is that the narrator is not from planet Earth but part of a two-man team (the … Read more

Eduardo Mendoza: La ciudad de los prodigios (The City of Marvels)

The latest addition to my website is Eduardo Mendoza‘s La ciudad de los prodigios (The City of Marvels). This is something of an epic novel, following both the story of the city of Barcelona from the 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition to the 1929 Barcelona International Exposition as well as following the story of Onofre Bouvila. … Read more