Margarita Karapanou: Ο υπνοβάτης (The Sleepwalker)

The latest addition to my website is Margarita Karapanou‘s Ο υπνοβάτης (The Sleepwalker). The novel starts with God clearly unhappy with his creation so he vomits on Maniolis to create a handsome God, since all they worshipped was beauty. We now move to a Greek island, clearly based on Hydra which is full of dissolute … Read more

Patrick Langley: Arkady

The latest addition to my website is Patrick Langley‘s Arkady. This is a dystopian novel in a country that is much like Britain. Indeed, it was published five years ago and is looking more prescient today. Two young boys – Jackson and Frank – are on holiday in Spain with their parents. Their mother disappears … Read more

Petra Hůlová: Stručné dějiny Hnutí (The Movement)

The latest addition to my website is Petra Hůlová‘s Stručné dějiny Hnutí (The Movement). This is a feminist dystopian novel. In this New World, men are sent to a institute – in some cases voluntarily but often at the instigation of their spouses or even simply snatched from the streets, where they are retrained – … Read more

Ignácio de Loyola Brandão: Não verás país nenhum (And Still the Earth)

The latest addition to my website is Ignácio de Loyola Brandão‘s Não verás país nenhum (And Still the Earth). This is the classic Brazilian dystopian novel, published in 1981 (when the military junta was in power) and referencing both the then current situation in Brazil as well as the elements we are now more concerned … Read more