Joanna Scott: Arrogance

The latest addition to my website is Joanna Scott‘s Arrogance, another superb novel by Scott, this one being about the Austrian artist Egon Schiele, who died aged twenty-eight during the influenza pandemic at the end of World War I. Schiele was not a man to observe conventional morality and was in trouble with local communities … Read more

François Mauriac: La Fin de la nuit (The End of the Night)

The latest addition to my website is François Mauriac‘s La Fin de la nuit (The End of the Night). This is a follow-up to his Thérèse Desqueyroux (Therese; later: Therese Desqueyroux), written eight years earlier. In his introduction, Mauriac makes it clear he wanted to continue the story of Thérèse. It is now fifteen years … Read more

A. M. Homes: Jack

The latest addition to my website is A. M. Homes‘ Jack, her first novel. It is certainly an enjoyable novel, though the humour is not nearly as black as her recent prize-winning May We Be Forgiven. Jack, the hero/narrator, is a fifteen-year old boy, whose parents get divorced and who subsequently discovers that the reason … Read more

Marcu Biancarelli: 51 Pegasi astru virtuali (51 Pegasi, astre virtuel) [51 Pegasi, Virtual Star]

The latest addition to my website is Marcu Biancarelli‘s Pegasi astru virtuali (51 Pegasi, astre virtuel) [51 Pegasi, Virtual Star], the first Corsican novel on my site. Frankly, it is not a very good novel. The narrator, Marco, is a writer/professor, who has left Corsica for ten years and, when he returns, Corsica has become … Read more

Peter Handke: Kali [Potash]

The latest addition to my website is Peter Handke‘s Kali [Potash]. This book, which has not been translated into English (though has been translated into Danish, Dutch, French and Italian), is another of Handke’s almost dream-like stories of an individual travelling to a strange land which may be, in fact, Handke’s view of Austria. In … Read more