Inês Pedrosa: Fazes-me Falta [I Miss You]


The latest addition to my website is Inês Pedrosa‘s Fazes-me Falta [I Miss You]. This is a superb novel, which consists entirely of fifty small chapters, divided into two. The first part of the chapter is a woman talking, the second part a man talking. It soon becomes apparent that they are former lovers and that she is dead, talking from beyond the grave. This could be mawkish and trite but definitely is not. She has just died aged thirty-seven (we only learn how later in the book), while he is twenty-five years older and twice divorced. Both of them clearly regret that they did not talk more while she was alive. However, what they do do, is to dissect both their own lives and, more particularly, their relationship. While she can see him, she cannot hear him or read his mind so what makes this particularly interesting is their different perspectives on the same event or on the aspects of their respective characters. They are different – she is very political and is now a Member of Parliament. She is happy to jump on any bandwagon, when it looks as though people are being unfairly treated. He is more measured and conservative in his outlook, though he still favours fair treatment, though less stridently. However, she is religious, while he is not. They do examine their lives and have many regrets but, above all, as the title implies, they miss one another. Sadly this book is not available in English or, surprisingly, in French.

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